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Equitron Water Still, Stainless Steel
Equitron Water Still, Stand Alone

Guko Set - Filtration Adapters/Cones
Material: Silicon Rubber. Concentric cones to fit any size of Filter Flask with any size of funnel - will seal tight against each other under vacuum.

Cat#: 5085. Set of 4 cones. For Filter Flask from 50ml upto 1000ml.
Cat#: 5086. Set of 8 cones. For Filter Flask from 50ml upto 20Ltr.

Filtration Adapter Guko Set

Rubber Septa - Turnout Stoppers
Material: Silicon Rubber or Natural Rubber. This Septa has a hollow plug, which has a series of rings on the outside to tightly grip the inner wall of the glass joint and form an air-tight seal. The upper sleeve folds down over the neck of the glass joint. The Septa can be pierced repeatedly with a needle.

Sizes available: B-14, B-19, B-24, B-29, B-34.

Rubber Septa - Turnout Stopper

Round Bottom Flask Stand - Silicon Rubber
Material: Silicon Rubber. Withstands almost all chemicals and high temperatures. Can also be used in Oil Bath.

Sizes available: From 10ml all sizes upto 20Ltr.

Flask Stand - Silicon Rubber

Other Products
  • Melting Point Capillaries.
  • Taper Plugs (Plastic) for Glass Joints.
  • Taper Clips and Clamps for Glass Joints.
  • Braided Silicon Rubber Tubing.
  • Graduated Micro-Capillary Pipettes
Flask Stand - Silicon Rubber

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